in 1989, i was given a mission: to find answers to the question what is art? many years have passed, and i feel that now is the time to make the fruits of my research known.
as well as publishing my most recent findings, i will also delve into my archive and post insights that i arrived at many years ago. they will take the form of reflections expressed in words and images.
i am in contact with my employers through komisario x-bin. we communicate via skype and viber.
komisario gives me my tasks and any assistance i might need. over the years, i have collected fragments of information about who he is and where he comes from. i value this knowledge highly.
i want to publish this information, too. i will present it in italics and perhaps the reader will be able to arrange the puzzle pieces of his words into a complete image of the man.
eva-d, berlin, 2013
german-english translation by jen metcalf
Harte Aufgabe, es muss interessant sein die Unterschiedlichen Aspekten diese Thema zu durchleuchten und erforschen, freue mich immer wieder über die Informationen her zu lesen
ja, super gern.
danke :))
komisario x-bin also. klingt verheißungsvoll!
komisario x-bin ist ein auch grosser gourmet wie du, wie ich deiner seite entnehme. vielleicht darum das verheissungsvolle?
hehe, wäre ein indiz:-)
seeehr interessant, ich glaub ich kann da einiges lernen als autodidakt…
sg andreas
Bin sehr gespannt!
ich auch ((;